Home Safety Checklist

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home safety checklist
  1. Lock all doors and windows, especially when leaving the house, even for short periods.
  2. Don't leave your house key under a doormat or over a door.
  3. Leave a few lights on when you go out in the evening. A bathroom light is the most baffling to a burglar.
  4. Never have your name or address on your key ring. Be careful with whom you leave your auto key ring, and don't leave your house key on the same ring.
  5. Don't provide information on your phone answering system that could help a burglar. Don't give your name or number and don't say that you're not home. Instead, use a message such as: “Hello, we're not able to take your call in person just now; please leave a message after the tone.”
  6. Shrubbery should not obscure doors and windows. Prune the growth so a burglar cannot work undetected.
  7. Don't leave large amounts of cash or other valuables at home.
  8. Don't leave ladders in your yard. Store garden tools and bicycles in a locked garage.
  9. Check the references of anyone you employ for work around your home.
  10. Don't admit strangers until they have produced satisfactory identification. If they ask to use the phone, offer to make the call for them. Be wary of “wrong address” visitors or “wrong number” phone calls; a thief may be studying your home.
  11. Be a good neighbor. If you see something or someone suspicious in the neighborhood, ask the police to check it out. Know your neighbors and watch each other's property.

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